Friday, May 1, 2009

first hand gun lesson/target practice

So although I didnt get the pictures up last night due to me trying to get some much needed sleep, I did promise they would be here... We had an impromptu target ( a pizza box with a red dot spray painted on it near the center) I had 8 rounds...all 8 hit the cardboard 5 in the red, one on the edge and 2 outside red dot. The boys I was shooting with didnt do as, Josh, managed to get the cardboard 4 times (none in the red zone) and Kyle (the gun owner) only hit the cardboard once. Needless to say I was told I was quick learner. Now I understand this was by no means an official lesson, but I had a GREAT time and can not wait to try out different hand guns til I find THE one....then its just perfecting the shot from there!
Heres the makeshift target after my turn, I didnt get a picture after all three of us shot.

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